Welcome to HuiZhou Body Nurse Cosmetic Co., Ltd.

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A soak in our unique, colourful, fun and fabulously shaped products is an amazing way to relax and unwind. Makes you forget all the worries and be happy!



Whatever choice you go for, to get salty, to get bubbly or get naked, our handmade bath treats will leave your skin feeling soft, clean, but not greasy! Need scented or unseated? We’ve got you covered.


Bath Bombs

Run your bathtubto desired amount

Toss your bath bombin the water

The bath bombwill take 2-4 minutes depending on type and size, to dissolve in the warm water.

After your bath bomb is fully dissolved or once the bubbles, scents, salts and fizz have been released, Sit back and enjoy your Me-Time!



Shower Power Bombs

Get it wet to activate and then toss it off to the side

The wetter it gets the stronger the fragrance

It will melt down into a chalky mess, just leave it there and then re wet to activate the next time you want to use it.



How long do shower bombs last?

2-3 uses depending on how long and hot you shower.

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